
Greetings to you, Internet Friends! My name, as most of you know, is Jackie. 

I live in a teeny tiny apartment with my ever-patient new husband. We enjoy watching Netflix on our TV, thinking about exercising while watching Netflix on our TV, and eating food.

I started cartooning at a very young age, and people have always supported my doodles, whether they're three hours worth of careful drawing on a tablet, or amusing scribbles on a post-it note. I've always loved drawing, and I especially love making people laugh. Those are two of the... (count count) two things I'm good at. I'm no professional just yet, and I've got a long way to go, but my eventual goal for Plans for Nigel is to create a graphic novel, or perhaps children's-style books directed at adults. 

My reason for writing isn't to make money or to get attention (well, maybe a little bit to get attention.) Mainly it's because I love the idea that something I created can be read by hundreds of people all over the nation, even the world. I mean, sure, I would love it if I could earn a living from my writing (as much as I enjoy sitting in a cubicle for ten hours a day), but what would really thrill me is if I could become as well-known as Allie Brosh of Hyperbole and a Half or Adam Ellis of Books of Adam. For me, it's all about touching people's brains in a totally non-violent and allegorical way that won't even cause them to have seizures. 

The best way for me to accomplish my dream of being cool and popular is through viewers like you! Yeah, I pulled a PBS on y'all. It's pretty simple, really. If you like something you see, comment on it, share it on your Facebook page, Tweet it, blog it, or just tell your friends about it. It's not painful and you retain most of your soul. Plus then you've shared something cool with someone else, and then maybe they'll think you're a little bit cooler. 

I know I would.

UPDATE: Plans for Nigel is now featured on Alltop.com, under the Humor category.

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