Thursday, February 7, 2013

Who Needs Legs Anyway?

Well, it has been a few days since we went to the vet, and there hasn't been much improvement, sadly...

It could be that the antibiotics are just working their way through his system and they haven't really taken effect yet. In the meantime, getting Nigel to take his medicine has been quite the fun experience. He has to take one drop of an anti-inflammatory twice a day, and then three drops of the antibiotics three times a day. To get the medicine in him, I have a couple of little plastic syringes that I get to stick in his little mouth and shoot the deliciousness right down his throat. Poor little guy, it smells awful.

Also, here is a picture I forgot to post last time. This is my little friend getting ready to go to the vet for the first time. Imagine sad music playing in the background as you view this picture through your tears.

You can kind of see his little leg all hurt, over there on the top right. Fortunately this picture obscures most of his actual leg, because in full view it's pretty gross and horrifying.

But I still love him.

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