Sunday, May 20, 2012

More Excuses

Once upon a time, I decided I was going to start an awesome blog with lots of hilarious drawings and many entertaining words. Unfortunately, it sort of went the way of most things I put my mind to; I was really excited about it at first and then after a while it fell by the wayside. Certain persons who shall remain anonymous took it upon themselves to badger me about it every now and then, but I didn't really do anything about it.

I had told myself that once I got my fancy-pants new tablet, I would be cranking out all sorts of magnificent work, but turns out it is way harder than I thought to figure out how to post from that thing. Maybe there is some sort of secret trick or something that only Elite Bloggers know, but I sure as shoot haven't figured it out yet. I finally realized that I would have to use my laptop to post anything, which made it that much more difficult to build up any sort of drive. Suddenly blogging became an impossible chore.

Add to that the fact that due to whatever unnamed environment factors, I have been pretty much incapable of coming up with anything amusing or at least entertaining, let alone hold it in my brain long enough to make words and pictures about it. Usually anything hilarious that I could think of would come to me in the dead of night, in that strange waking dream that comes right before total unconsciousness, at which point there wasn't much I could do with it. Let me assure you though, it is hilarious inside my brain. 

Frankly though, whatever excuses I may come up with, the biggest reason I haven't written all that much lately is just sheer laziness. What little free time I had that could have been spend doing some actual work or even blogging was spent on far more useless things. The laptop was being used a lot less for working and a lot more for this:

Moral of the story is: I'm going to blame Nigel for not doing amusing things more often that I could write about. Slacker.

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