Sunday, May 20, 2012

Probably Science

My dearest and most beloved readers, I have not been the awesome blogger I promised to be some time ago. I told you all that I was going to get myself a tablet and that was going to make it so I could draw many awesome pictures and post every ten minutes or so. Unfortunately, I have also been in A Fight with the Universe lately, so naturally the Grand Scheme of Things made it so that it was nigh unto impossible to successfully post anything. Eventually I ended up just drawing the pictures on the tablet and then editing everything from my laptop again. That story will come later though, right now here is a little filler from a conversation I had a while back. 

There has been an unsettling fad in popular music as of late that goes by the name of "One Direction." Now, don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed a song or two of theirs (I can never really tell if it is one song or two; the name "One Direction" must be referring to their song-writing style) and I can understand the appeal. They are pretty catchy. The thing that unnerves me, however, is the subject matter of their songs. On the surface it seems like they are saying "Hey, I love you because you are cool and stuff." But deep down, they are really saying "You have low self esteem and that's what attracts me to you! You're vulnerable!"

After a few hours of heated discussion, Nigel and I came up with the following formula for being popular and make tons of dollars as a pop star/boy band/celebrity in today's society:

1 comment:

  1. This is the truest thing I've ever seen on the Internet.

    Also, I'm happy you're blogging again!
