Sunday, June 2, 2013

Part 3: The Big Day

Cheerful salutations, internet friends! I'm back from my brief honeymoon, and I've finally got enough time and brain-power on my hands to let y'all know what's up! 

This is going to be mostly pictures, because who cares about all those words anyways.

So, I got married last week. That was pretty cool. I know everyone talks about it being "the best day of your life" and all that good stuff, and frankly... It was a pretty good day, but it went by really fast. From the very first second I woke up, it was like I was being dragged along by a giant whirlwind.
 Wake up, brush teeth, comb hair, shower. Get dressed, shoes on, get in the car.
 Dry hair, straighten hair, curl hair, pin hair. 

 Curl hair, pin hair... curl... pin pin pin...

Go home, more pictures, get packed, gather for the wedding, makeup.

 In the car, drive to the temple, get dressed.

And then... get married.

The whole day, everything had been moving so fast. My brain barely had time to process what was going on before I was whisked off to the next thing. But in that moment, it was like time came to a screeching halt. 

The sealer said "You can look at me, or you can look at each other." 
 I think it seems obvious what our choice was.
 After that little second that seemed to last forever, everything picked up again. the whirlwind whisked me away again, but it was alright this time, because it picked up Daniel as well. Things may have moved really fast, but at least after that I had something stable to cling to.

As overwhelming as everything was, it turned out to be a pretty perfect day, between the wedding, the dinner, the reception, etc.

Oh, right. Mostly perfect...

And... uh... I was going to find a creative way to somehow incorporate more pictures from our wedding into this post, as well as probably more words, but that just about sums it up. It was a good day, but even better than that has been... every single day since. I love being married to Dan. It's the greatest. Here's some more pictures of our wedding day.

This very flattering picture captures the moment just as Daniel and I walked out of the temple for the first time as a married couple, and he put his arm around me aaaaand... pulled my veil right out of my hair. This is me fixing it in a very dignified and graceful manner.

Here we are being super cute and adorable.

Look how happy and in love we are! And look how handsome my man is. Quite. Quite handsome. 

Aaaaaand... this is me making life difficult for our photographer.

The end. For now.

Stay tuned for more marriage-related posts! I've got a really good, semi-controversial pile o' words in the works. And drawings, of course. Those too. 

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