Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Pretend This Is A Clever Title

Once upon a time, it was a little while ago, and I was getting my hair done for three hours, in order to prepare for my wedding. Three hours of getting your hair done gives you time to think, and I was thinking, I pondered upon the fact that my dear fiance was not planning on having any sort of bachelor party because a good portion of his closest man-friends have left town for the summer. I decided that he deserved a party, seeing as how he has been working so hard lately. Therefore, I took it upon myself to remotely orchestrate a surprise bachelor party for my gentleman friend.

After some contacting and organizing, I managed to scrape together a few bros to surprise him. They suggested some sort of... pizza... laser tag... dress-him-up-like-a-wizard party. I dunno what goes on at these man-things. 

Today was the night of the party, and he went over to one of his buddies' houses expecting everything to be normal. But instead they surprised him with pizza and parties and even one of his distant bros partying via video chat! Yay! I, on the other hand, had planned to spend the night sorting and packing all my crap to move into our new apartment by the end of the week.

The more I sat alone in my room, thinking of him out partying with his friends while I slaved away, the grumpier I got. My family was gone, and I was all alone with no one for companionship but stupid Teddi, and she's fat and she sucks. I turned to drawing to scribble out my feelings. 

I started out drawing pictures of how grumpy and alone I was, and the more I drew, the grumpier I got. Plus stupid fat Teddi kept sticking her stupid tail in my face and messing up my drawings. Doodling really helps me express my feelings and stuff, because when you draw something you have to concentrate on every swoosh and line and squiggle to express the idea you're picturing in your head. Then I actually stopped and took a look at my drawings, and the attitude they were expressing, and I remembered... Daniel was out partying without me because I wanted him to. I wanted to do something nice for him and I wanted him to have a good time. 

 I decided that I didn't need to draw grouchy pictures to make myself feel better, I just needed to remember that knowing Daniel is happy is enough to make me happy. And I should stop being a horrible person.

I think it's important for all of us to remember that if we're unhappy about something, it doesn't mean no one else is allowed to be happy. Sometimes, the best happiness comes from doing something nice for someone else.

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