First off, let me preface this post by apologizing. I realize it's been a while since I posted, but stuff got in the way, you know? Stuff like... being lazy.
It's been a little over four months since Radagast tragically passed away for no good reason, and this is the longest I have ever gone without having a pet in my home. In order to make up for the gaping emptiness in my heart, I've tried to replace my beloved pets with borrowed pet store kittens, secretly pretending Daniel is my pet, and watching tons of YouTube videos of sugar gliders, kitties, and hamsters playing dead.
However, the best pets I've found to nurture and focus all my attention on are my vast collection of pet peeves. Everyone has them, as much as anyone might try to deny it. Here are just a few of the ones that bug me the most:
1. Fishy Handshakes
I've always prided myself on having a firm, authoritative handshake. I shake the hands of prominent businessmen, and they're like, "Man! This woman obviously is a confident, intelligent, successful person who deserves a position of leadership, if not just a raise!"
But there are people in this world who don't appreciate the value of a good, strong handshake. I think the worst example of this is a particular doctor (whom I shan't name), whose hands were not only limp and wiggly, but also cold and clammy. Erghhh. I actually made my next appointment with said doctor's office during a time she would be on vacation, just to avoid shaking her hand.
2. Those Idiots Who Do This Thing
The following diagram represents a particular traffic maneuver that I see FAR TOO OFTEN these days, and for which my own father was once given a ticket.
The blue car is me, obeying the law. The red car is a representation of every jerk on the road that pulls this nonsense. If you do this... I hate you.
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Fig. 1: Waiting at the intersection to turn left. We both have to get to a place on the far right side of the road fairly soon after the intersection. |
3. Whoever Came Up With This Idea
Mmm, delicious Skittles. A tasty candy which I have long enjoyed. I like eating the purple ones and the green ones together, because it's like a lime rickey!
But what's this?! Something is terribly wrong here!
Not cool, bro.
4. Anyone Who Ever Says This
I can't tell you how many times A DAY I hear people use this phrase:
Why is this so widely accepted?!
First of all, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a real and terrible thing, and it's like walking around telling people that you're bipolar when you're just a moody butthead. There are people out there, possibly people you know, that suffer from anxiety disorders, and I'm sure they don't appreciate people belittling something they struggle with on a daily basis.
And secondly...
4. Walking Through Spiderwebs
Now, I don't say this because I'm particularly afraid of spiders. Sure, I think they have an unnecessary number of eyeballs and limbs, but they can't help that. Like the great philosopher Lady Gaga once stated, they were born that way.
I don't appreciate whatever evil ninja spiders sneakily jump in and build little invisible webs REAL FAST when you aren't looking for three seconds.
Seriously, spiders. What innocent human being deserves to be walking along the street, or down some stairs, or even through their own house and suddenly be seized by one or more invisible, undetectable threads that stick all on your face and hands and eyelashes and you CAN'T GET THEM OFF.
To further my research into the things that bother us, I asked a couple of other people about their pet peeves, and these were some of the good ones that I got:
5. People That Chew Like Cows
This one hits close to home with me, because I have a sister who always did this when we were children. And by children, I mean... teenagers. She'd walk up behind you while you were on the computer and chew right in your ear, or at the dinner table she'd smack and snarf while people were trying to have a conversation.
...fill in the sound effects for your own chewing, regardless of how closed your mouth might be.
6. People Who Pick Their Teeth In Public
Mouths are gross, people. I know I, personally, don't like to think about them any more than I have to.
Toothpicks, in my opinion, should be hidden away in the dark recesses of the restrooms, where people can go into private stalls to do their business and not foist their dental hygiene habits on innocent bystanders.
As healthy as it is for me to seek out these little annoyances that bug people, sadly, my tablet battery died as I was drawing pictures. I'm way too lazy to go track down the charging cable right now, so you'll just have to enjoy the few that I've listed above.
As usual, I'm always open to suggestions for future blog posts. Heck, 60% of the work is thinking of something to write about. 30% is drawing the pictures while I'm pretending to pay attention in church, and the other 10% is busting out some words late at night to glue them all together. The more you guys think of stuff, the less work I have to do, and the more likely I am to churn out more posts.
Also, you will note that the poll on my sidebar has changed. Perhaps not on a neat 2-week schedule like I had originally intended, but... uh... the element of chaos keeps it interesting!
Sunday is mine and Daniel's six months...iversary, so expect great things from that. And soon it will be my birthday, and I'm sure it's going to be an exciting one, so yay for that too.
Until next time, my friends!
I am firmly on your team inre: The Ruination of Skittles. Why? For the love of all that is holy and good in this world did the Skittles execs think that Green Apple (which, by the way, is a thing that humans through all the generations learned by sad experience to avoid) is an acceptable flavor? It is not.
ReplyDelete-Your mom
I completely agree with a lot of these, but especially the Skittles one. Who wants Green Apple Skittles??
ReplyDeleteTell your father that I disapprove of his "turning into the wrong lane" maneuver as well.