Saturday, December 10, 2011

It's Bandtasmic!

When I was young, I was a total loner weirdo. I mean, not disturbingly so, but I didn't have a ton of friends. I wasn't popular or anything and I was kind of nerdy. I parted my hair in the center and wore button down shirts with the top button done up. I was really shrimpy, too. Plus I had skipped a grade when I was in elementary school, so I was a year younger than everyone else to boot.
Then, when I was slightly less young, I started high school. As in every young child's life, the transition into high school was a life-changing event. I had to make some new friends, learn new things. Most fortunately for me, I ran into a couple more lost lonely waifs that were also searching for a new life. 
My first friend in high school was a lovely little ginger named Brittany. We had a few friends in common, and after a while we started hanging out more and more. 
These days, she's the bestest friend ever in the world. She is the sort of friend that calls me in the middle of the night when she thinks something might be bothering me. She is always there to support me no matter what, and she never misses an opportunity to make sure I know just how important I am to her. Years and years later, we're even closer than we were when we were kids. We're going to be the kind of friends that send each other Christmas presents when we're 80 years old. 

The other really amazing friend that I made early in my high school career was the beautiful, friendly, cheerful, brilliant and talented Lara. 
Over the years, Lara and I have become so close that I feel like I'm practically a part of her family. We can talk at any time about anything no matter how mundane. We've been through fun times and hard times together, and we've always managed to pull each other through no matter what. When we are older someday, our children's children will play together.

I love them both dearly dearly dearly. More than air. More than FOOD. And that is saying something, coming from me. Our sophomore year of college, our wee group of friends somehow evolved into a crime-fighting team of super heroes called the Bandtasmics. Four or so years later, and the Bandtasmics may no longer be figting crime, but that doesn't mean we're not still super, or not still a team even. We are basically inseparable souls.

Unfortunately, life being what it is, we all ended up going to different colleges in different cities hours apart. We rarely get to see each other these days but we do this month because it's CHRISTMAS AND THEY ARE BOTH GOING TO BE BACK HOME AND I CAN SEE THEM AND WE CAN BE TOGETHER AGAIN HOORAH! 

As a crazy guy we once saw in the mall said, the two of us are three times the charm. 

That is to say... 

there are three of us...


apparently we each only count as two thirds of a person each.

And therefore add up to three.

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